Helle’s Salad Ideas

Helle’s Salad Ideas

Now the time has come, where most of us have had plenty of fat food, Cookies and all the extra kilos that mysteriously sneak into our lives in the Christmas month. Now we are ready to make an effort, to start being more healthy in the New Year and that doesn’t always mean being boring or fat-frightened.

That’s why I’ve made a few ideas for your salad variations that I hope you will enjoy.

Try to toast your favorite chopped nuts on a dry pan and sprinkle them on top of your salad. Some of my favorites are Walnuts, Cashew, Pecan, Almonds, Pistachios & Hazelnuts. Also try Pumpkin seeds toasted with Maldon salt, Sunflower seeds toasted with a little Soya or dry-roasted Sesame seeds or Pine nuts.

Don’t forget to give color and variation to your salad, so it awakes your appetite even more. It doesn’t always just have to be vegetables, fx Pomegranate seeds, Figs, Peaches, Oranges and Apples are a nice, fresh touch. Of Cheeses, I highly recommend crumbled Gorgonzola, Feta or Parmesan cheese or a little Honey baked Goat cheese on top of the salad.

Freshly chopped Parsley, Basil, Thyme or Oregano directly from the kitchen garden is always delicious and incredibly healthy. As an alternative, you can also use fresh Sage, but it is a spice that doesn’t work well raw, but if you toast the leaves in a little butter, Olive oil and Lemon juice,  you also have the dressing ready for the salad. The dressing is brilliant for pasta salad too.

Regarding dressings, there is a whole world of delicious Balsamic and Glace vinegars that can be combined with Herb and Spice oils. Try fx to visit Vom Fass and let yourself be seduced by all their delicious products.


Pickled Beetroots

Instead of buying pickled beetroots on glass, choose the fresh raw version from the greengrocer and make your own delicious homemade pickled beets for the salad:

              • 1 kg. Fresh Beetroot with top
              • 1 large Red Onion in slices
              • ½ fresh Horseradish root in fine slices
              • ½ liter white wine Vinegar or “lager” Vinegar
              • 1½ tbsp. Salt
              • 500 gr. Sugar
              • 10 dried Cloves
              • 2 dried Star Anise
              • 10-12 mixed Peppercorns
              • A little “Atamon” to rinse the jars in

Wash the raw Beetroots thoroughly and remove the top. Boil them in plenty of water with half of the salt for approx. 40 min. When cooked, cool them in water with ice cubes so the skin is easily removed. Cut the Beetroots in wedges, cubes or slices ​​depending on your mood and put them into rinsed jars.

Cook the rest of the ingredients in the vinegar till it boils. Pour the liquid on top of the beets and put them in the fridge. The flavor develops day by day, but I would recommend you wait 14 days before eating them to get the full flavor.

If you want an extra touch for your Beetroot, try to use fresh Fennel in slices or a freshly chopped Chili in vinegar.

Hope this gives an additional tasteful touch on your salad, so you completely forget you might be on a diet.


Have fun and have a good and healthy New Year!
Helle, Chili Gourmet

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